Tooth extraction involves entirely removing your tooth from its socket. This procedure is sometimes referred to as “pulling” a tooth. Whenever feasible, healthcare professionals prefer to preserve natural teeth. However, there are situations when further restorative measures, like as dental crowns or fillings, are not enough to save a tooth. In such situations, tooth extraction is unavoidable.
Here are the major situations where tooth extraction is inevitable.
- Tooth extraction for orthodontic reasons
If your teeth are overcrowded, your dentist may recommend removing one or more teeth to create more space in your mouth for the remaining teeth. In other cases, an orthodontist may recommend removing teeth as a proactive measure to avoid needing orthodontic work later on.
- Tooth extraction for impacted teeth
When a tooth is impacted, it’s usually because there’s not enough room in the jaw for the tooth to emerge. Impacted teeth that are left in place can lead to infection, misalignment, and even tooth loss. It’s best to avoid these consequences by extracting the tooth.
- Tooth extraction for infected teeth
Infections most often affect the root of a tooth. If left untreated, the infection could spread to the jaw or even the bloodstream, which can be very serious. Infections that are left untreated can easily spread and cause serious health problems.
- Tooth extraction for decayed teeth
If decay or infection affects a tooth, it may be necessary to remove the tooth. This is to prevent the spread of infection and also prevent further decay or infection from occurring.
- Tooth extraction for gum disease
Many adults have gum disease, which is an infection of the gums. When caught early, there is typically no need for tooth extraction, but gum disease can cause serious damage to teeth, so extraction may be necessary if the gum damage is severe. In this case, your dentist may recommend a tooth extraction.
- Tooth extraction for teeth crowding
If crowding is severe, we will recommend extracting one or more teeth to make room in the mouth. This results in a more attractive smile and easier cleaning.
Tooth extraction – aftercare
During the healing and recovery process, there are a few things you can do to minimize discomfort and promote healing. Rinsing your mouth with salt water after each meal can help keep your mouth clean. It’s recommended that you either receive an over-the-counter pain reliever or speak with your dentist about a prescription pain reliever. These medications will help to control the swelling and discomfort that you may experience.
Once the extraction site has healed, it is important to continue good oral hygiene practices.
Be sure to brush and floss the teeth next to the extraction site carefully. A water flosser may also be helpful in removing plaque that builds up between the teeth. This can help prevent gum disease and decay. Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash can also help.
Teeth replacement options
A missing tooth can have a major impact on your smile’s appearance, but it doesn’t have to make a permanent impact on your dental health. After your extraction, your dentist will help you explore other tooth replacement options, such as dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures.
If you want to learn more about dental extraction, contact Dental Arts of Boston at (617) 266-0441 today to book an appointment with Dentist Boston, MA. Our team can offer guidance and make product recommendations for your unique smile.